Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fear and Anger Provoked at Campaign Rallies

It's taken a few days, but the mainstream media has had much discussion over the escalating use of epithets shouted out at McCain rallies. During the last Presidential debate John was forced to defend the people who came to his rallies, and it's true that 99.9% of the folks who attend these functions are committed, passionate people who believe in their candidate.

But, what you are also hearing are the death throes of the right-wing mindset, people who are reacting to their personal fears, expressed in angry statements. This fear is intentionally invoked by the McCain campaign. Again, at the debate John said that he didn't care about any washed up, domestic terrorist; but the next day his campaign started making computer generated phone calls trying to link Barack Obama to William Ayers again, trying to establish a link in your mind that Obama supports terrorism against America. It's cheap shots like this that are backfiring against McCain, and has generated declarations of support for Obama from Conservative people like Christopher Buckley and Colin Powell.

Remember, everything that happens at political events these days are scripted. When you see news clips of people cheering or booing in response to what a candidate said, that is not spontaneous. People are planted in the audience to shout out these responses much like applause signs direct a studio audience. It may be that the shouts of "terrorist" and "kill him!" were shouted out by campaign ringers, which makes things worse because they would be premeditated and not outbursts from an angry individual.

It was reported this morning that China has agreed to help Pakistan build some nuclear reactors. Now we know why Pakistan's leader visited China on a "goodwill tour." The other headlines are saying that Pakistan is going broke and needs 20 billion dollars immediately just to stay afloat. Hmmm, something tells me that the poor and starving won't be getting any aid in the next few years, while a nuclear infrastructure is being built, despite whatever is currently being said.

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