Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Letting The Dogs Out...

Gail Sheehy
Meghan McCain

I'm tired today, my mind is a blank, even with the wonderfully dumb remarks made in public by Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell, so dumb that their campaign managers won't return messages to reporters. And yet, these people have a good chance of getting elected. At first, I feel like ranting and calling their supporters dumbasses, but then I realized that their getting elected is the voter's way of saying F**K You to Congress and the American way of politics. They are letting the dogs out, and they will go to Washington and crap everywhere they are not supposed to.

So, today I lift my hand to salute you, oh Angry Americans, who will revel in their perverse voting strategy. CSPAN should hurry up and wire all of the offices and hallways in Congress, put up more cameras and make it the next tv reality show. You can't make this up, with Joe Miller and his stormtroopers goose-stepping around town, Sharron Angle in the foreign Relations Committee, or Christine O'Donnell in any committee. Even more fun, when Michele Bachmann, the self-imposed Queen of Tea Party Caucus, tries to get these folks to do her bidding at the first meeting. This is better than any NCIS folks, get out the sodas, pop up the popcorn, it's instructive for the whole family, with extra-credit points for identifying those bleeding heart liberals crying the corners...

Getting rid of some of the other  photo files I've saved up:

South Koreans Stoning Image of Kim Il-Un

Prisoner in Gaza

If Only I could License This Image...

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