Thursday, February 16, 2012

santorum, Israel and Iran

“Have you noticed Romney doesn't even blow dry his hair anymore? He dries naturally from Rick Santorum breathing down his neck.” – Jay Leno
“Poor Mitt Romney, he’s got the money, he’s got the organization, he’s got the name recognition. He has one weakness: an inability to get votes.” – Bill Maher

“The other weakness is an ability to find a candidate he can beat. If there was just some way he could run against Mitt Romney.” – Bill Maher
“Rick Santorum beat Mitt Romney in three states and got a huge amount of fundraising. That’s the good news for rick Santorum. The bad news: people are now Googling Santorum.” – Bill Maher
If you Google the word santorum, the first entry that comes up offers this definition:


Pronunciation: san-TOR-um
Function: noun
Savage Love - 05/29/03

1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.

2. Former Senator Rick Santorum

This was done to Rick by the group Savage Love, in response to Rick's constant anti-gay remarks he made in the press. They set up the web site, then made sure it got 10 bazillion visits, enough to put it in first in all of the search engines, especially Google. Was it a shitty thing to do? Rick has been trying to find a way to have the results nullified, taken off of Google, and have the web site destroyed ever since. Ironically, every time he protests, it send a new wave of curious people to the website by entering his last name on Google...

Contrary to what we are reading in all of the major newspapers, there is no definite proof linking all of the bombings in India, Georgia, and Bangkok back to Iran, according to senior Israeli intelligence officers. The bomb in India was attached to a car by magnets and placed there by a motorcyclist, using the same method that Israeli assassins used to kill an Iranian nuclear scientist. The copycat modus operandi suggests that Iran was involved.

What happened in Bangkok seems to have resembled a scene from The Keystone Cops than a well-trained terrorist cell. As reported in the Debkafiles: "... the Bangkok episode stands out as bizarre and aberrant: No terrorist attack actually took place there and there is no proof that the three persons who rented an apartment in the city were preparing to attack Israelis or anyone else, although they had bomb materials with them.

Something caused those materials to blow up and all three took to their heels. One of the trio, identified by his Iranian passport as Saeib Morabi, kept the explosives with him. He threw one at a local cab driver who refused to pick him up and another device at a policeman who came to arrest him. The second bomb bounced back and blew off one of his legs.

Senior intelligence experts find this conduct incredible. A terrorist on the run would above all keep his head down and avoid attracting attention. He would certainly not start throwing bombs on busy foreign streets..."

Israel is claiming that the bombs in all three countries are Iranian made, but so far, that, too, is mostly conjecture. These two countries have been covertly killing and spying on each other for quite a few years, ever since the Iranian government proclaimed that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth... As the Iranian nuclear program progresses, the more paranoid among the Israelis want to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, informing the Pentagon that it could happen as early as March or April. This morning, however, the Israeli Defense Minister gave in to US pressure to dial back the rhetoric, and said that the Iranian nuclear program was farther behind than anticipated, and they were in no rush to bomb them anytime soon...

Some of the covert activity had Israeli submarines following US aircraft carriers into the Persian Gulf, and unloading commandos to set off explosives in the southern oil fields, and to carry off the assassinations of nuclear scientists. Iran then acquired small mini-subs to patrol its waters, then the Israelis planted a computer virus in the network serving the nuclear program, having someone upload it from a thumbdrive. If the Iranians are indeed responding to sanctions and bad press, then it is letting the crazier, more rabid faction take control. I wonder if they've been hiring any lobbyists that also create Republican election strategy?

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